
Friendly solution

We at ArcticTern, provide the best turnkey immigration services/solutions based on your story

Optimize your time and money

We will help by guiding you through the optimal path based on your situation

Guaranteed guidance

We provide expert advice and guidance throughout the process

You aren't left alone

We will share our experiences with you and make your settling process smoother
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Satisfied Clients

Golden years we’ve passed!

welcome to ArcticTern Immigration

Our purpose is to deliver our clients with the best Immigration route to Canada

ArcticTern Immigration Consulting offers exceptional immigration advisory and related services to study or work and settle in Canada.
Our application success rate exceeds 90% and above. This is the outcome of our team’s commitment to always working to a high standard and developing personalized strategies for each case.

Our commitment to our clients is to walk their journey with them. We are dedicated to explore the best options for you. We value your aspiration to live your dream.

Our Services

Explore Visa Options

Express Entry

Searching for the fastest way to gain Canada permanent residency and citizenship? This may be your chance to be applying for the Express Entry Program.

Student Visa

Looking to be international in Canada and complete your studies at one of the prestigious university in Canada? Find out how you can achieve that.

Professional & Skilled Workers

Use your work experience and job skills to your advantage and gain a work opportunity and permanent residency in Canada. Find out more.

Business Immigration

Use work experience and job skills to your advance and gain a work opportunity and permanent residency in Canada. Find out more.

Visitor Visa

This can be your chance to explore the country of The Maple Leaf and the lifestyle the citizens of Canada enjoy.

Permanent Residency

Find out if you are eligible for Canada PR and what benefits you can enjoy as a permanent citizen of the country
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Looking for Professional Canada immigration services?


Google Reviews

Our Successful 

kishora fernando
kishora fernando
Extremely happy with the service provided by Thumesha and her team at ArcticTern! Was always responsive and made sure every little detail was covered so we had no issues whatsoever with our visa process. The whole team was very professional throughout the entire process. Thank you for being patient whenever we panicked. Would definitely recommend you guys to anyone! Excellent service! Good luck to you all!
Roshane Abeygoonawardena
Roshane Abeygoonawardena
Me and my wife have been talking to various people and companies for over 4 years with regards to immigration, but none of them were able to give us the instructions we were looking for or show a proper path towards it.. But since the first day we spoke to Thumesha and her team at ArcticTern everything became crystal clear and we were finally hopeful. We are super grateful to Thumesha and her team for helping and guiding us in this journey and for being their always for us. We wish Arctic Term all the best and definitely recommend them to anyone who is interested in migrating..
Prashantha Thomas
Prashantha Thomas
My experience with Arctic Tern Immigration Consulting is amazing, Thumesha jayathilaka is very knowledgeable and professional. She is process my wife's immigration application with a correct manner & I recommend get their consultation and submit immigration application through them, Thank You Thumesha Jayathilka & Staff!!!
Dilini Perera
Dilini Perera
Jagath Cabandugama
Jagath Cabandugama
Arctic Tern Immigration Consultants changed our lives. We received our acceptance as a result of their guidance, our self belief and a little bit of luck. My wife and I had a complicated case to say the least. We had gone to many "experts" with the promise of getting us through a successful visa process to Canada. After many unsuccessful attempts we happened to come across this company. Our experience with them is as follows; 1. They listen to your story, note all the facts and provide you with all the options for your eventual migration journey. 2. They will say no from the onset if they think it won't work out. So they don't give you false hope. 3. If they take your case, that means they will guide you through the whole process. 4. They are very experienced and professional, so heed their advice, follow through and put in the effort. 5. They are based in Sri Lanka and Ottawa, therefore you can be guaranteed they are a ligitimate and experienced company. 6. They are easy to work with, straightforward and don't leave room for any errors in their processing. 7. They are competitively priced, therefore you get what you paid for. 8. They follow up and provide updates on your visa status on a timely fashion. 9. They are professional in their approach, meaning they will make your application look very appealing to any reader. 10. They generally follow up even after you have received your visa, all the way to your eventual arrival in Canada. I can honestly recommend this company to anyone looking for migration to Canada as they made our dream a reality.
Imesha Nagahawatta
Imesha Nagahawatta
Me and my husband were planned to migrate to canada 🇨🇦 and we heard about this place through one of our closest friend and thanks to her we found this great place to achieve our dream within very short time line (4months including offer letter process to PPR process) so I highly recommend their service. They are very professional and have really good service.they have completed all our documentation part accurately therefore, I believe that my visa came on time and special thanks goes to Thumesha ma’am i think without her we couldn’t make this happened, her entire effort lead us to come this far 😊 I was very happy when i met you I can say finally i found fair and true people like you 😊👍
Dinithi Sajani
Dinithi Sajani
Tanuri Wijesinghe
Tanuri Wijesinghe
Hiruni kasunka
Hiruni kasunka
Yasas Perera
Yasas Perera
I had the pleasure of dealing with Arctictern lately for my immigration procedure, and I cannot express how much I value their assistance. The team was proficient, knowledgable, and friendly throughout. I always felt like they had my best interests in mind, and they made a difficult and frequently daunting process feel manageable. Highly recommended.
Get in touch

Contact us for successful immigration to Canada!

    ArcticTern Immigration Consulting is the leading provider of Canada visa and immigration services. We are accountable for your successful visit or resettlement to Canada, and we can be reached daily through several communication channels.

    24/7 Customer Support

    +94 766 412 979

    This is the right time to immigrate to Canada.

    Let our RCIC help you!

    There are many ways for a foreign national to immigrate to Canada. Several immigration programs are available that lead to permanent residency, including:

    • Federal Skilled Worker: This is the most popular way to immigrate to Canada, due to its quick processing times.Individuals who have higher educational qualifications, work experience at the top level, exceptional language ability can apply.

    • Canadian Experience Class:

    • Federal Skilled Trades:

    • Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP): This is aimed at individuals who have the skills, education and work experience to contribute to a specific province or territory.

    • Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP): This program is for skilled foreign workers and international graduates who want to live and work in any of the Atlantic provinces: Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.

    • Start-up Visa (SUV): Entrepreneurs with the skills to build innovative businesses in Canada, create jobs for Canadians, and compete on a global scale, can apply for Start-up Visa.

    • Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP): This is a community-driven program designed to spread the benefits of economic immigration to smaller communities by creating a path to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers who want to live and work in a participating community.

    • Family Sponsorship: Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents can apply for their spouses, partners, children, parents, grandparents, and in certain cases, other relatives to live, work and study in Canada.

    • Caregivers: Caregivers can come to Canada to become a PR or work temporarily through the Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot or Live-in Caregiver Program (LCP).

    • Business Visa: You can purchase a Canadian Business and come to Canada under a work permit as the Owner and Operator of your own business.

    • Investor Visa: Invest in a Canadian business and be eligible to apply for PR.

    • Self-employed: Individuals with relevant experience in cultural activities or athletics can immigrate to Canada permanently as self-employed persons.

    • Agri-food Pilot: This program helps address the labour needs of the Canadian agri-food sector and can be a pathway to PR.

    Your family may be able to immigrate with you to Canada if you include them in your application. Family members include:

    • Spouse or common-law partner
    • Dependent child
    • Your spouse or common-law partner’s dependent child
    • A dependent child of a dependent child
    • Other family members in special situations

    However, your dependents are not permitted to arrive in Canada before you.

    You can also sponsor eligible family members through the Family sponsorship program. This allows family members to live, work, and study in Canada. As a sponsor, you need to prove you will:

    • Meet basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing for your family member
    • Be able to support the family member financially for a specified period of time
    • Not receive social assistance for reasons other than a disability

    Express Entry is an online immigration application system that allows a prospective newcomer to be considered as a skilled immigrant. An EE profile will determine your ranking in the pool and can be used to apply for:

    • Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) program: Applicants with significant foreign work experience and/or a high level of education who want to immigrate to Canada permanently can apply under this.

    • Federal Skilled Trades (FST) program: Skilled people who possess qualifications and experience in specific trades can apply under FST.

    • Canadian Experience Class (CEC) Foreign nationals who have been working in Canada for a period of at least one year can apply.

    Most foreign nationals will need a work permit to be allowed to work in Canada. However, sometimes you may be eligible to work in Canada without a work permit. There are two types of work permits:

    • Open work permit: This allows you to work for any employer in Canada and you can only get an open work permit in specific situations such as the dependent spouse of a study permit holder.

    • Employer-specific work permit: This is also called a closed work permit. It specifies the name of the employer you can work for, location, and for how long you can work.

    Another option for individuals from other countries to legally work in Canada is to apply for International Experience Canada (IEC). This is also known as a Working Holiday Visa.

    International students in Canada may also be eligible to work for a certain number of hours during their study period. Once they graduate, they’ll need to apply for a work permit in Canada or apply for a Post-graduate Work Permit (PGWP), or apply for permanent residence

    Securing a job is one of the most daunting tasks when you move to a new country. You can start your job search by creating a resume and a cover letter as per Canadian standards. You will see on job adverts that most Canadian employers ask if you are legally allowed to work in Canada. This often translates to being a permanent resident (PR), having a work permit, being an international student who is allowed to work in Canada, being the spouse of an international student, or being a Canadian citizen.

    • Search job websites: Popular sites include the Canadian government’s Job Bank, LinkedIn Jobs, Indeed, Monster, and Workopolis.

    • Network and volunteer: As many as 65-85 per cent of jobs aren’t posted online. Networking or volunteering is one way to tap into Canada’s hidden job market. LinkedIn is an excellent tool to connect with other people in your industry.

    • Immigrant-serving organizations: There are government funded organizations such as ACCES Employment and COSTI helping newcomers find employment. These organizations often organize job fairs.

    • Employment agencies and recruiters: Specialized employment agencies and recruiters can help you find a job in your field. Search for recruiters on LinkedIn or through a web search. Some of the top employment agencies in Canada include Robert Half, Randstad Canada, Hays Canada, The Headhunters.

    To study in Canada as an international student, you need to apply for a study permit. Below are the steps you need to follow.

    • Enroll at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI).
    • Get your documents ready, including letter of acceptance and proof of financial support
    • Apply for a study permit
    • Prepare for arrival once your student permit has been approved.


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